No posts related to breaking Gaijin's terms of service. Private messages containing responses in languages other than English, slurs of any kind, or otherwise excessive levels of salt are not allowed. Note: There is no requirement to hide usernames in submissions, as all server replays are publicly available. Don't encourage witch hunts against anyone.No abuse, harassment, racism, xenophobia, hate speech, discrimination, flame-baiting, trolling, nor general assholery.No abuse, harassment, witchhunting & assholery. If posting NSFW material, tag it NSFW.Having a witty related caption or title is not enough and it must contain a vehicle or element from the game. Memes must be clearly visually relevant to War Thunder.Note that memes visible during the non-meme days, but posted during meme days will not be removed. Memes may only be posted on meme days.Must be relevant to War Thunder in terms of time frame and purpose.Must be flaired with the SUGGESTION flair.If your suggestion is there already, don't post it again. If for a vehicle suggestion, please first refer to the updated list of previously suggested vehicles.Posts made to promote other games will be removed. Posts of history entirely unrelated to War Thunder should be posted instead to /r/history, /r/aviation, /r/WWIIplanes, /r/AirCraftPorn, /r/TankPorn, etc.This means just having a witty related caption or title is not enough. Posts with "clickbait" titles will be removed.Īll content should be clearly relevant to the game of War Thunder and its vehicles.

Two more new maps: “Abandoned Town” for mixed battles and a “South-Eastern City” for air battles. More than 40 new vehicle models were added, including one of the most powerful Soviet battlecruiser Kronshtadt, legendary American dream F-14A Tomcat, madly strange Swedish Pvkv III and French amphibian anti-tank destroyer VCAC MEPHISTO. And that’s not the end, China will get their first part of the helicopter family with a Z-19E.
#War thunder cross play xbox pc update
In the Danger Zone update you can see an Israel helicopter, with an old, but familiar “Cobras” AH-1G, AH-1Q and AH-1F as well high-ranking “Apache”. At first, only part of an USSR, Germany, Israel, Chinese and USA aviation will have it, but we will add new types of incendiary bombs for aviation of different gaming nations

Join now and take part in major battles on land, in the air, and at sea, fighting with millions of players from all over the world in an ever-evolving environment. War Thunder is the most comprehensive free-to-play MMO military game dedicated to aviation, armoured vehicles, and naval craft from World War II and the Cold War.